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George Floyd

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

I must say as I began to write this I am angry, confused and hurt. This whole week has been crazy, who am I kidding this whole year has been challenging, Initially I attributed my feelings of being overwhelmed to that fact that I'm working overtime, my sleeping pattern is definitely out of sorts, and well my eating habits, let's just say I'm in need of a serious detox. But we're in the middle of a global pandemic so you clearly can't expect me to diet or let alone really continuing to eating healthy. Then I thought, I'm probably feeling this way because Tuesday would've been my mom's 79th birthday, and I thought of all the ways we would have celebrated. She shares the same day with my brother. A Black man that could easily fit George Floyd's description. Later that day after winding down, I tune into the news to see yet another trending hashtag #GeorgeFloyd. Instantly my stomach drops and I go Jesus, not again! I refused to watch the video only the small snippet that was shared on the news, I simply can't take it. Immediately, I'm reminded of Eric Garner, another Black man that screamed out in writhing pain, that he too couldn't breathe. Its 2020.You would think that the smell of racism that permeates throughout the land of the free would cause nausea and people would somehow regurgitate its foulness for fear of choking on it. Instead, not only do they partake in it, they serve it up on a daily basis. My heart aches for George's family, his children that will grow up without a father over a senseless act over what a cashier thought was fraudulent and the need to feel powerful from a cowardice cop. We can no longer sit in silence and watch innocent people die at the hands of crooked cops. We can't turn a blind eye, or send thoughts and prayers. We need action. We need a change. I can't tell you what that looks like completely, but I can tell you if you see something you should say something! If you have a platform, you should use it to blatantly point out social injustices and racism. The moment you choose not to do so, the moment you choose to be silent is the very exact moment that you have sided with the oppressor!

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