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How to make your business standout on social media

When it comes to navigating social media for your business, it can be a bit tricky and if you’re not familiar with it and all that it offers, it can also be intimidating. But, no worries I’m here to help you, yes you! And before you know it, you'll be up and running like the boss that you are. So let’s get started!

1. Identify your audience

First you need to decide who exactly are you trying to reach? Who are the people that will benefit from your business or service that you provide? Are they young, older, women, men, children? You get my drift. Whoever you’re solving a problem for, they’re your target audience. You have to connect with them.

2. Choose the correct social media platform

Now that you’ve narrowed down who your target audience is, you have to figure out which social media platform your target audience uses the most. Whichever one they are the most comfortable with, that is the platform you need to utilize to promote your business on. Sure they’re plenty of platforms to choose from, but don’t expect teens to utilize Twitter. More than likely they use Tik Tok. So it would benefit you to promote on that platform.

3. Create content related to your business

So now that you’re on the right platform, your next step is to create content related to your business or service. This can include content that is related to an upcoming launch or an event your business, like an article, blog, electronic newsletter and of course videos. Choosing the right content is important.

4. Use Strong Visuals

When posting content, think about creative ways to stand out. What's something different that you can do that sets you apart from others. You can use themed content that aligns with your brand or business. This can be memes, gifs, pictures, or music. You can even use things that are trending as long as it relates to your business.

5. Build customer connection:

A great way to keep your followers engaged is by connecting with them. You can respond to their questions and comments. You can also encourage them to leave reviews or feedback. Interacting with them helps to build a relationship and trust. Also, post consistently to keep your customers engaged.

These are a just a few tips that can help you and your business standout on social media. Give these a try and let me know how they work for you! Thanks for stopping by!

Now go be great!


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