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Welcome to The Kristi Khronicles!!!

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Hey y'all!

Thank you so much for dropping by to check out my blog. It has definitely been a very long time coming. I have procrastinated and vacillated about doing this blog for a couple of years now. But it's nothing like the death of your favorite basketball player RIP Kobe, a freaking global pandemic, and a race war to make you understand that time is really of the essence and it is fleeting!!! So I'm here, and you're here, so let's make the most of it. And, in the words of the Black Eyed Peas "Let's get it started!"

Let me give you a little 4-1-1 on your girl. I'm from a small country town in Georgia. I had a great childhood, filled with some of the best country living. I'll be honest, I didn't appreciate it as I should have back then, but I was a kid. I grew up in a big family, with loving parents, and funny siblings. We weren't rich, but we weren't poor either. We had each other, love and Jesus. I picked peas, shucked corn, planted watermelons and caught lightning bugs. I told y'all, I was country.

It was in this small country town that I learned the importance of hard work. I inherited my work ethnic from both parents and the notion to do it right the first time from my daddy. He never did a job half-way. For whatever reason, I picked up that trait. Some would argue that I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I'm not. I just don't do mediocrity. Periodt pooh! I get my strength from my mama, the sheer will to keep going in spite of. I miss them!

But that's enough about me. Let me tell you what my blog will cover. I will discuss a variety of differnt topics. From politics, current events, finances, faith, JESUS, and a whole lot more! I'm opened to your comments, questions and thoughts, just keep it respectful. Please know I love God and His people, but I also walk heavily under the anointing of gathering folks and snatching edges if I must. So don't try me, try Jesus. Let's agree to walk in sisterly and brotherly love and have real conversations. Okay snickerdoodles? Anyway, again thanks for stopping by, show me some love! Follow me on IG: Iam_kristigillis. Love you, mean it! I really do!

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