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Social Media, that's a big word for Elmo!

While Elmo may struggle to say it, there are a lot of people who struggle to use it. Not necessarily because it’s hard, but because it takes time, planning and action. Here’s the thing, it’s not going anywhere. Social media is constantly changing and growing.

From algorithms to its namesake, shout out to MetaVerse formerly known as Facebook. If anything it’s growing. Don’t believe me, just look around. There are so many platforms that you can choose from. There’s FB or MetaVerse whichever name you prefer 🙄, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Clubhouse just to name a few.

There are many benefits to using social media. For starters, using any of these platforms will help you to effectively market and advertise your business in addition to gaining new customers. With proper navigation of social media, you can connect with your customers, build your brand and increase your brand awareness. Social media can be interactive, entertaining and educational. Whichever platform you use, it’s imperative that you choose the one that’s best for your customer.

Part of choosing the right social media platform is directly correlated to your targeted audience. If your target audience is teens, Tik Tok or Facebook would most likely be the better platforms for you more so than Twitter. Understanding and knowing your customer will help you determine their needs.

Every business is different and every platform is different. So this means your goals will be different and measured differently. You definitely want to get the most out of social media. Whichever platform you choose, social media definitely will be advantageous to your business.

If you’re still unclear about this thing called social media book an appointment with me today so I can get you started!

Till next time,


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